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Tuesday, May 27, 2008 Make FREE Money Blogging is a new site that provides opportunities for bloggers to make money blogging. It's free to register and their commission is only 20% of the review price.

How can you get paid to blog with Imaginads?
1. Sign up with
2. Register your blog(s).
3. Set your own price.

How does Imaginads pay bloggers?
Good question. Their FAQ states they pay when your funds total $50.00 US. It also states that one can contact administration for early payment. However, it does not say how payment is remitted. As soon as I find out, I will update this post.

What are the requirements for acceptance?
Unlike many other sites that give a long list of strict requirements, Imaginads doesn't elaborate on the blogs they accept.

How long are the reviews that have to be written?
They require you to write a paragraph about the advertiser's product or service with the anchor text they supply.

Imaginads is a fairly new service. They currently have about 23 blogs registered, so sign up as soon as possible before it's flooded with blogs!

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