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Wednesday, June 4, 2008

FREE STUFF for Those That Love Golf!

Since I found several freebies for golf lovers, I decided to create a separate entry. Be sure to take advantage of these golf freebies as soon as possible. No one knows when they may end. manufactures golf tees that are 100% biodegradable and can be personalized.
Get a free sample from! (Product sample contains a bag with 3 pcs. BioGolfTees with standard-imprint.)

These guys are giving away FREE custom golf wedges and other FREE golf stuff!

Warrior Custom Golf is recognized as one of the country’s leading custom golf club manufacturers. Warrior has delivered over 3 million golf clubs to over 300,000 loyal customers in just 8 years, creating over 120million dollars in sales. We have proved beyond any shadow of a doubt our quality components, basic fitting, customer care and overall business model is second to none.

Get Your Free Golf Wedge

Get a free auto insurance quote and a FREE trial of Golf Card's national golf savings program. Click Here to apply now!

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