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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Freebies for Your Pet

freebies for your pet This is a picture of my daughter (The Diva) with her dog a papillon (Amanoute - Pocahontas' Native American name). She is a new addition to our home. Another dog means more dog food. Decided to go find some coupons, freebies and deals. Here are a few freebies for your pets. Hope you and your pets enjoy the free stuff!

Free Pet Supplies
Help keep your pets safe with a free pet safety pack from the ASPCA!

Receive your free sample of Dog Lover's Choice dog food.

Free sample of Flint River Ranch pet food.

FREE: $1 off coupon Schmackos dog treats!

Become a free Club Jungle member and get a FREE sample of our Start Right water conditioner.

Get a free sample of the new dry lineup from Friskies for your cat

Get a free sample of Mighty Dog.

Receive a free PAWA Power Pack DVD and brochure.

Get a FREE SAMPLE of Treat People's healthy natural treat for your dog.

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