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Monday, April 25, 2011

Free On Demand Has Included Six Feet Under

The Author of this post is Solomon Dejesus.

My cable provider has included the show Six Feet Under as part of our Free On Demand television choices and I have enjoyed watching this show again. I watched it when it was on originally and always found it to be a little disturbing in a good way.

Six Feet Under did make me consider death in a more practical way such as what happens with your body when you die. I have children and I admit the episode about the baby dying from SIDS was especially tough to watch and I cried during the show. However, I appreciated how Enrique dealt with that sad situation with his wife pregnant and due to deliver soon.

One thing I always found great about the show was that even if a character passed away they still had a role. The patriarch of the family Nathaniel is killed in a car accident in the very first episode and he was a large part of the show throughout the entire series and was even in the finale. His family would see him and talk to him, not in a supernatural way, it was more like they were dreaming about him, but still he remained on the show.

I use Free On Demand often and watch this show on mydirect tv. It helps me to relax after a long day.

1 comment:

Copyboy said...

I have to watch it. Now I have no excuse. BTW...I'm jesse cohen from Bloggerdise. Just wanted to let you know that I made you new blog of the day on my personal blog.