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Monday, October 24, 2011

Free Samples: Dove, Tena, BioFreeze and More!

Can't believe how many free samples I have found today!  Be sure to take the time to get your freebies right away.  I can't stress enough that these freebies are only around while supplies last.  Don't regret it.  Sign up for yours immediately!

Get a free Tena pad sampler to determine which bladder control pad is best. 

Receive a free sample of Dove Nourishing Oil Care Leave-In Smoothing Cream.

Receive two(2) FREE Kotex Natural Balance Liners.

Receive a free sample of Biofreeze Pain Relieving Gel Sample.

Request a free sample of Lanacane Anti-Chafing Gel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i use dove all the time leaves my skin so soft and my son uses it he has sceories . so he has to use it for his skin the only kind he can use. glad yall have this product out tryed tena love it , and bofreeze ,love it.