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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

An Organized Closet For My Organized Life

Guest post written by Nina Collier

I've recently gone through some big life changes. I dumped this loser ex-boyfriend of mine, which is something that i should have done years ago, and I moved into an awesome new apartment. So I'm trying to makeover other parts of my life too. It's one small step at a time!

I'm focusing right now and making everything in my apartment perfect right now. I've found all kinds of design and organizational tips online with my wireless internet service and have been applying them to my new home. One part that I knew needed organizing was my closet. I thought it was best to start off organized that way anyway.

Luckily the closet in my bedroom was already outfitted with some great organization stuff, so making it an organized closet required a lot less work on my part. But hopefully I'll be able to easily keep my closet organized that way. I'm so bad about trying on different clothes when I'm getting ready for work in the morning and hopefully having a nice looking closet will give me a little more motivation to keep it that way. I love my new closet!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Group your items according to color. Learning how to organize a closet through color is a simple way on keeping a closet organized. Group your clothes and accessories according to the frequency you’ve used them (such as office wear, night out clothes, formal wear, etc). Once you’ve made a main set of grouping, group them again into shirts, shorts, blazers, polo, etc. Then, put them back on the shelf or rack according to their color coordination.